New Orleans Mission Trip  
Capture Date: 2006/07/30 17:36:59
- The group posing for a picture while gathering for dinner. A sort of "before" picture.
Capture Date: 2006/07/31 07:05:34
- A worship service every evening after dinner.
Capture Date: 2006/07/31 09:35:17
- Our first project. Every house had these type of markings. We believe they contain date inspected and inspector's initials.
Capture Date: 2006/07/31 09:37:16
- After unloading the equipment trailer everyone picks out a breather mask. No one (on the crew) is allowed in a house without wearing their mask.
Capture Date: 2006/07/31 09:48:31
- First we clean the debris out of a room.